You can initiate a return request within 3 days of delivery. Please mention order number while placing return.

This pertains to all products (Tshirts, Oversize Tshirt, Crop Top, Tank Top, Crop Tank Top, Sweatshirt, Hoodies, Caps, Tote-Bags) in respect to following conditions.

There are certain items which are not returnable, includes following:
  • Items that are sold on Discount or purchased using discount coupon.
  • Items that are valued less than Rs.500/- (Net purchase price).
  • Innerwear, Boxers and Shorts.
Return can be initiated by contacting us at :

We will arrange pickup.
Rs.50/- will be charged for return.

Post the return your refund will be initiated within 3 working days after the product has been received by us and passed through quality inspection.

For Prepaid orders refund will be processed to the same payment method used to buy the product within 3 - 5 working days.

For cash on delivery orders refund can either be processed in the wallet instantaneously or will be processed through NEFT to the bank account given by you within 3-5 working days.

There is no exchange option available as of now. You have to return the product and order new one. Discounts and Offers on new purchase will be applicable as per the prevailing scheme.

For further details you may contact us on :
Email :
Whatsapp : +91-9876553222